Monday, December 28, 2009

First Post! The Starting Gate!!!

Every large group started small somewhere, sometime. Have you been looking to connect with the right people to find the right deal? Have you been looking for a way to learn and improve where you are right now? What I would like to do is to post helpful information and have you post on the associated Yahoo Group and on the blog, I would like to interview different people that meet for coffee and let you what they do and how to contact them. I would like to form a very strong network of good people.
Today, I recieved an email from Sharon Hague to keep up with me on Twitter. I thought that name sounded familar. She has a number youtube videos on financing. The one on "Portions" is very close to what I have done since the early 80's. Here is the youtube link on "Portions." I have not come across anyone who thinks that similar and runs a system so similar. Sharon lives in western Australia so it is a little far for her to drop by for coffee, but I would like to highlight her as I start off this first blog posting. She will reply to your emails with free advice, but you may donate to her as well.
I have fun with financial planners. When I begin to talk with them, they are amazed and usually tell me that I one of the 2% of the population who has a good handle on things. For me, that can be a bit frustrating being part of that ratio compared to the majority way of thinking. I can find it harder to relate to the way others do things and I can get looked at a bit strangely at times. Basically, if you have a system and it works, use it. If you don't have one, then get one!

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